Saturday, 3 February 2018

Data Science

Data Science is also known as data driven science. Data science is a concept to unify statistics data analysis and its related studies in order to understand actual phenomena with data.It employs techniques and theories drawn from many fields within the broad areas of mathematics, statistics, information science, and computer science, in particular from the subdomains of machine learning, classification, cluster analysis, data mining, databases, and visualization.
     One way to consider data science is a evolutionary steps in indisciplinary fields like business analysis which is incorporate computer science,modeling ,statistics,mathematics.  At its core, data science involves using automated methods to analyze massive amounts of data and to extract knowledge from them. With such automated methods turning up everywhere from genomics to high-energy physics, data science is helping to create new branches of science, and influencing areas of social science and the humanities. The trend is expected to accelerate in the coming years as data from mobile sensors, sophisticated instruments, the web, and more, grows. In academic research, we will see an increasingly large number of traditional disciplines spawning new sub-disciplines with the adjective "computational" or “quantitative” in front of them. In industry, we will see data science transforming everything from healthcare to media.


In virtually all areas of intellectual inquiry, data science offers a powerful new approach to making discoveries. By combining aspects of statistics, computer science, applied mathematics, and visualization, data science can turn the vast amounts of data the digital age generates into new insights and new knowledge.

An Explosion of Data

Data is increasingly cheap and ubiquitous. We are now digitizing analog content that was created over centuries and collecting myriad new types of data from web logs, mobile devices, sensors, instruments, and transactions. IBM estimates that 90 percent of the data in the world today has been created in the past two years.
At the same time, new technologies are emerging to organize and make sense of this avalanche of data. We can now identify patterns and regularities in data of all sorts that allow us to advance scholarship, improve the human condition, and create commercial and social value. The rise of "big data" has the potential to deepen our understanding of phenomena ranging from physical and biological systems to human social and economic behavior.

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